Sunday, July 20, 2008

How does my attitude towards my culture affect my ability to learn Chinese/English?

The most important thing in learning, as reiterated often by the teachers, is to have a positive attitude. The attitude to pass up homework, listen in class, and even coming to school, are important parts of learning. Many students in secondary and tertiary schools treat Chinese like a second subject. Since they only need to get A1 for one language, they rather it would be English, as English is used in most subjects and students feel they are more proficient in it. Although that is true, students should still have an open mind about Chinese. A common phenomena in the school is that Chinese is the most dreaded subject and Chinese teachers’ names are dirt. Students do not pass up homework regularly and easily give it up. To them, Chinese is a very difficult subject that is not used often and being able to speak it is enough.

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